Remembrance Day coming soon…….


At a time when there is so much unrest in the world it is critical for us to remember that freedom isn’t Free..

The following are snippets from some old Cobden Sun articles. Each week a column titled – War News – kept
the homeland apprised of the slow yet steady progress of the battle.

With Remembrance Day coming very soon, read a bit of the conflict and remember – Freedom always costs —-
someone … and for many the ultimate price….

Go buy a Poppy and wear it proudly in remembrance…


Excerpt from COBDEN SUN    Thursday ,  JAN 4th- 1945
London- Jan. 1 – 1945    The fanatical German and  Hungarian defenders of Budapest ,
trapped between assault forces, which squeezed steadily from both the east and the
west, felt the mounting fury of the Red Army tonight in battle which threatened to
demolish the once beautiful Hungarian capital…

Paris – Jan. 2– 1945
German counter attacks in  Alsace-Lorraine were extended into the Saarbrucken area today under
the hammering of 2,500 Allied planes which smashed at enemy troops, armor and installations
from the base of the wedge to the Rhine.
A sizable dent has been made in the United States 7th Army front south of the Magnot line bastion
of Bitche, in Lorraine, close to the German border , field dispatches disclosed..


Paris – Jan. 8– 1945
The Germans were retiring tonight from the dearly-won tip of their Belgian positions-possibly all the
way back to the St. Vith, four miles from the German border – under shrewd blows from our Allied
armies that knocked out 15 miles of on main escape route and covered the second with artillery

Jan 9-1945
The Red Army won control of approximately one half of
Budapest today by capturing 350 blocks
in savage fighting, and in an outflanking drive to the north west of the Hungarian capital , drove
to within four miles of the strategic Slovak communications center of Komarom , the Soviet
command announced tonight..