Cobden Today

The Site is owned and maintained by Cobden Today ( CT ). CT is providing a platform  to advertise items for sale by a third party. CT does not control, is not responsible for and makes no representations or warranties with respect to any of these items for sale.

Items will be posted on Tuesday and Fridays. Smaller items will be posted on Tuesday. Those ads will cost a Toonie ( $2.00 ) and will be active until the following Monday.

Friday ads will cost $5.00 and will be reserved for larger items such as any type of vehicles,large furniture and real estate. These ads will be active until the following Thursday. The seller will need to provide contact info,pictures, a description and price. All details will be forwarded to:

All sales of ads are final and pre-paid via Paypal. If the seller choose to extend or pre-pay for several weeks the Paypal button will provide several options below.

CT Admin